Collegiate courses are divided among 5 major academies: English, Spanish, Math, Science and Social Sciences. Each of the academies has its own set of standards and is regulated by a group of ISOM teachers.
Heads of Academies oversee the correct implementation of academic curricular programs. They participate in the selection, design, implementation and assessment of academic programs. They also posit improvement plans and make sure that school objectives are being met.
The English Academy at the International School of Monterrey, uses a reading centered program, with the integration of conversation, grammar, writing, and oral comprehension. With this program, students develop the four skills of reading, writing, conversing and oral comprehension, through the reading of stories appropriate to their age and context.
Our English program is build on the basis of the theoretical framework of Understanding by Design (UbD). The objective of this framework is to develop significant learning of the most important concepts seen in class. This is done through a learning process that provides the student the opportunities to do research, explore, evaluate and verify.
In addition to having subjects in English in the curriculum, we offer a language focus through English
Language Arts (ELA) and English as a Foreign Language (EFL).
In our learning system of ELA students are allowed to use the skills and strategies to go deeper into the sense of texts. Students practice all they have learned through projects that cover each of the four skills, turning them into researchers and rulers of their own learning.
In the subject of English as a Foreign Language (EFL), we work with vocabulary, phonetics, spelling and fluency through the use of literary texts. Students will increase their vocabulary, and improve their spelling and pronunciation while they go through readings in different literary genres.
The objective of this Academy is for students to develop their communication skills, and to interrelate through language both spoken and written. Students will learn to distinguish between the different types of texts, attaining greater reading comprehension that will allow them to make judgments through analysis and reflection.
Students will be able to recognize the importance that language has in the construction of knowledge, and develop a critical attitude, while developing their communication competencies.
It is the purpose of the Academy to form student readers with an inquiring, researching attitude, who are thirsty for knowledge and for being increasingly cultivated, which will be fostered further by our reading program which promotes the reading habit, analysis, literary creation, and oral expression skills.
For the School it is important to develop all of the language skills so that in addition to being able to express themselves in their mother language, our students will be able to structure their ideas and capable of capturing them in writings that are useful not only to them, but to the entire educational community.
The Spanish Academy has incorporated the Intelligence Activation Project (PAI) [its Spanish acronym] with the main objective that Elementary school students work on certain skills and aptitudes found at the base of any learning. The program works on the cognitive, emotional and motor fields.
This curriculum works on developing the following skills: thinking, perceiving, attention, memory, space and time, language and arts; all necessary to function in any learning relation. Emotional intelligence is also worked on, as well as education on values and morals. The PAI promotes that students will learn to learn, learn to live, learn to do, and learn to be. Likewise, multiple intelligences are worked together with emotional intelligence.
International School of Monterrey gives its Mathematics program completely in English. The work of the Mathematics Academy follows the official guidelines and expands the possibility in students to develop their competencies and skills for logical-mathematical thinking. This will allow them to solve problems, both numerical and geometrical, through different alternatives discovered by the students themselves.
The International School of Monterrey encourages our students formation in an internationally competitive manner. Within this curriculum, we have included a digital setting in order to improve mathematical skills as of the 4th grade, which begins at the 1st. grade with the constructive mathematics method.
This method consists of developing mathematical skills and competencies in a playful manner, eluding memorization and promoting understanding in order to achieve significant learnings.
Additionally, all of our students will practice mathematical problem solving on a daily basis through our “Math Challenge” program.
The International School of Monterrey offers its Science curriculum completely in English.
This Academy oversees that our students develop skills associated to scientific knowledge and their levels of representation and interpretation of natural phenomena, as well as biological, physical and chemical processes.
These subjects teach the knowledge of natural science and provide explanations for natural phenomena and processes by referring them to different contexts and situations.
Our science program is flexible to continually adapt to scientific occurrences arising in both the institution and in the world that surrounds our students.
The children interiorize all of their experiences, particularly those having to do with being in contact with nature. From such observations, they gradually generate knowledge.
For the Science Academy it is very important that all students carry out directed observation and experimentation practices, with the purpose of getting them to use the scientific method. For this, the School has equipped lab facilities.
The International School of Monterrey gives its Technology curriculum completely in English.
This academy is intended for its students to develop digital competencies with the use of the computer, acquiring knowledge about hardware and software, in digital platforms, and on the proper and responsible use of Internet.
The project cuts across the educational fields with informatics transforming the computer lab into an intelligent classroom, in such a way that the students actually will attain the development of their competencies in a personalized and comprehensive manner.
This Academy supports teachers to teach better through the use of technology, covering the development of both teacher and students. Our faculty assume the role of guides and facilitators of technological resources that guide active students, who participate in their own learning process.
The International School of Monterrey gives its Arts and Culture curriculum completely in English. This Academy promotes creativity in its students, as it fosters artistic expression through painting, drawing, sculpture and corporal expression. At our School we consider art as a dynamic unifying activity that is indispensable in the formation of its students.
Students get the opportunity to gather elements about themselves and the meaning they assign to the world around them, helping them to know themselves better. It is important that the creative capacity of our students is developed by creating them as unique human beings.
The Arts and Culture Academy encourages its students to be creative, responsible and to manage their freedom and will for their own benefit and that of others around them. Artistic and cultural activities help them in developing their competencies for relating and living in society.
Art helps children to form new meanings through their artistic expressions.
Independently of the art curriculum in each grade, for the School it is very important that its students develop by putting together different parts to build a whole. This whole will give meaning to students and become part of their being.
For the International School of Monterrey it is important to promote sports in association to physical and emotional health of its students through playful pedagogical projects.
In addition to foster the development of creative strategy in its students, this Academy drives the practice of sports in a disciplined manner with the purpose of making sports be part of their lives, promoting socialization, integration and respect. Likewise, through sports, students are taught techniques and tactics, developing physical activities that support the conveyance of values, habits and attitudes.
The program is dosed in such a way that it gradually develops the motor skills of the students according to their ages, beginning from the knowledge of the movement of the body to such a relationship with their own classmates. In addition to being a medium for socialization, it is also one for discipline, respect, order, solidarity, tolerance, teamwork, cooperation and conflict resolution.
Neuromotor: it is the initiation into the practice of physical movement. It is given from Nursery to 2nd grade Elementary. This program works the motor and neuronal part of the students. The practice of this activity helps the nervous system to mature properly to form and consolidate neuronal circuits. This implies great benefits, not only in the physical order, but also academically.