Graduates will:
-Participate in events involving the social use of language, which become opportunities for learning the correct use of oral and written language, creating a solid foundation for the development of higher order communication competencies.
-Participate successfully in different oral communication challenges.
-Participate in the original production of different types of written text.
-Comprehensive reading of different genres for leisure or information purposes.
-Create original texts pertaining to different genres.
-Reflect on the characteristics and use of the written language.
-Know and appreciate the linguistic and cultural diversity in Mexico
-Identify, analyze and enjoy texts from a variety of genres.
Graduates will:
-Employ number sense to identify patterns and make quantity and size-based interpretations.
-Use symbols, expressions and arithmetic operations.
-Use tables, charts and graphs to identify, interpret and / or represent information.
-Apply math tools and models.
-Understand information based on space, shape, dimension, weight and objects.
Within the subject of Nature Exploration and Society, the intent that students will:
-Recognize their personal, family and community history, the similarities among living beings, as well as the relations between the components of nature and society of the place where they live.
-Explore and obtain information about the natural and social components and the cultural manifestations of the place where they live to describe and represent their main characteristics and how they have changed in time.
-Value natural and cultural diversity in their local environment and recognize themselves as part of the place where they live, with a common past to strengthen their personal and national identity.
-Recognize the importance of caring for their body and to participate in accident and disaster prevention actions in the place where they live.
-Recognize science as a human activity in constant construction, with reaches and limitations, whose products are taken advantage of depending on the culture and the needs of society.
-Partake in the improvement of their quality of life from decision making aimed at promoting health and care for the environment, based on sustainable consumption.
-Appreciate the importance of science and technology and their impacts on the environment, within the framework of sustainability.
-Develop skills associated to scientific knowledge and their levels of representation and interpretation about natural phenomena.
-Understand, from the perspective of school science, biological, physical and chemical processes and phenomena.
-Integrate the knowledge of natural science to their explanations of natural phenomena and processes in applying them to different contexts and situations.
Current historical knowledge is the heritage a of a long reflection on the sense and formative value that society analysis has for students. For these reasons they are provided with the elements they need to act as reflective persons engaged in their community and society.
With the study of History the intention is that the students will:
-Establish sequence, change and multiple-cause relations in order to locate the main facts and historical processes in time and space, as to the place they live, the country and the world.
-Inquire, select and analyze different sources of historical information in order to answer questions about the past.
-Identify the elements common to societies of the past and present to strengthen their identity and to know and care for their natural and cultural heritage.
-Perform actions to foster democratic coexistence in the school and its community.
-Through the study of Geography during elementary school the students are expected to:
-Recognize the distribution and relations of the natural, social, cultural, economic and political components of the geographic space to characterize their differences at local, state, national, continental and world scales.
-Acquire concepts, skills and attitudes for building the national identity by recognizing natural, social cultural and economic differences of the geographic space.
-Participate in an informed manner in the place where one lives to care for the environment and prevent disasters.
In our English program, students use a reading core program that integrates Language Arts and Research Skills. Students develop all four language skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening through reading interesting stories for their age and environment.
Our students not only develop all four skills, but also learn to use English effectively demonstrating command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage. Students practice all they have learned through different projects. This program makes them investigators and users of the language by giving them opportunities to investigate, explore, test, and verify important concepts. Children enjoy the readings and love to practice the books interesting stories as they work on vocabulary, text features, literary terms, story structures, and word analysis.
The study of Art and Culture at this educational level intends for the students to:
-Attain the basic fundamentals of the visual arts, corporal expression and dance, music and drama to continue developing artistic and cultural competency, and further competencies for life within the framework of a comprehensive education.
-Develop artistic thinking to express ideas and emotions, and interpret different art codes by stimulating sensitivity, perception and creativity from academic work in the different artistic languages.
-Build their identity and strengthen their sense of belonging to a group, valuing their cultural heritage and the different artistic manifestations of their setting, their country and the world.
-Communicate their ideas and thoughts by means of personal creations based on 2-dimensions and 3-dimensional creations, experimentation of corporal moment possibilities, of the sound phenomenon, and participating in plays and drama improvisations.
Music plays an important, positive role in early childhood cognitive, creative, intellectual and psychological development. A well organized music program will aid in stimulating the brain’s left hemisphere, where basic development such as literacy, logic and the foundations of Math take place.
ISOM students experiment with the qualities of sound, pulse, melody, rhythm, movement and singing. They also learn the basic written representations of musical notes and rhythms. All this will enable them to progress successfully into more focused musical education should they choose to engage in it.
During elementary education, in this specific area the intention is that the children will:
-Develop a knowledge of themselves, their communication capabilities, relating, motor skills and capabilities, by means of different manifestations that will enhance their body awareness and a sense of cooperation.
-Reflect on the changes involved in motor activity, folding in new knowledge and skills, so that they can adapt to the demands of their setting in the face of the different situations and unforeseen occurrences that come up during the daily course of activities.
-Develop skills and abilities by participating in motor games, proposing rules, regulations and new ways of interacting at play, initiation into sports, and school sports, stressing the importance of teamwork and collaborative work, as well as acknowledge cultural diversity.
-Reflect on everyday actions connected to their social and cultural setting and which contribute to their social-motor relations.
-Take care of their own health by making informed decisions on hygienic measures, developing habits, and acknowledging the possibility of risk in performing motor actions, so as to prevent accidents in their everyday life.
Through the study of this subject the students will:
-View themselves as worthy individuals, capable of developing fully by enjoying and taking care of themselves, by making responsible autonomous decisions to direct the actualization of their life-project and their performance as individuals with rights and obligations who participate in the betterment of society.
-Recognize the importance of exercising their freedom in making decisions responsibly and self-regulating their own behavior and adhering to ethical principles, the respect for human rights and democratic values.
-Understand that the different groups to which they belong are equal in dignity, though different in their ways of being, acting, thinking, feeling, believing, living, relating; as persons they have the same rights that allow them to participate jointly in the design of inclusive, equitable and solidary ways of life to assume commitments on common projects that will improve the natural and social setting.
With the content of this subject the intent is the recognition fo the characteristics of the current world, as well as the capacity to communicate and inform in real time on the happenings of the social dynamics and impacts on the natural surroundings, in addition to the breakthroughs in different fields of knowledge.
This subject promotes the use of media to access and use information in technological innovation processes, with the purpose of facilitating the responsible incorporation of the students into the processes of cultural and economic exchange.
-To recognize technical innovations in the world, national, regional and local contexts.
-To identify the sources of information in contexts of use and reproduction for technical innovation in products and processes.
-To use ICTs for design and innovation in processes and products.
-To organize information coming from different sources in order to use it in developing processes and innovation projects.